
Creating a custom hook class#

To create a custom hook, subclass BaseHook and implement the following methods.

  • handle_discord_message()

    This will be called on every incoming Discord message.

    Can be left as a noop, if this is an IRC only hook.

  • handle_irc_message()

    This will be called on every incoming IRC message.

    Can be left as a noop, if this is a Discord only hook.

  • load()

    This method should load the hook into a WalnutBot instance.

    At a minimum, it should add message handling methods to discord_hooks and irc_hooks respectively.

Loading a custom hook class#

To load a custom hook, you will need to create a WalnutBot instance directly, provide it with an appropriate Config, and call run() manually, bypassing the CLI interface. To provide custom configuration options for your hook, you might need to subclass Config.

Manual hooks#

Any method with compatible parameters can be added to discord_hooks and irc_hooks. This allows use of entirely separate classes, and standalone functions.

Discord commands#

To add a Discord command, create an appropriate object, and pass it to add_discord_command().

Refer to documentation for discord.ext.commands and discord.py’s examples for more instructions.

Syncing currently has to be done manually after run() is called (or at least discord is started).