

This section must be filled out fully (excluding optional fields).

# Discord bot token.
token = ""

# Server hostname/IP
server = ""
# Server port, typically 6697 (SSL) or 6667 (plaintext).
port = 6697
# Connect using SSL
ssl = true
# Nickname
nickname = "Walnut"
# (Optional) Username, if ommitted, nickname will be used
username = "Walnut"
# (Optional) Realname, if ommitted, nickname will be used
realname = "Walnut"
# (Optional) Server password, typically unused unless using ZNC
password = null

To obtain a Discord bot token, follow’s documentation on bot creation.


This section can be repeated for as many channel pairs as desired, or ommitted entirely, if using a custom hook.

# IRC channel name
irc_channel = "#channel-name"
# Discord channel ID
discord_channel_id = 1111111
# (Optional) Discord webhook URL
discord_webhook_url = ""
# Assign a color to every Discord nickname sent on IRC
# Use Discord's display names instead of usernames
colorize_irc_nicknames = true
use_discord_nicknames = true
# Show Discord usernames next to display names
use_discord_usernames_with_nicknames = true
# Prevent pinging Discord members on IRC by inserting a zero-width space
prevent_self_pinging = true
# Enable sending Discord stickers on IRC (name and image)
enable_stickers = true

To find a Discord channel ID, see “Where can I find my User/Server/Message ID?”.

Using a Discord webhook is strongly recommended, as it allows for matching usernames/avatars of Discord members. See “Intro to Webhooks” for instructions on creating one.